4th HEART CHAKRA (Bright Green) – AnahataElement: Air – This is our connection to air and our sense of touch, increasing the power of love, compassion, and empathy with others. Healers, caregivers and comforters operate from the heart Chakra. The search for the spiritual path truly begins when one can learn to operate from this Chakra.

I learned not long ago from my good friend and mentor, Monty Burgess (https://montyburgess.com) not many are aware the human system has not one brain, but three. Being the 1st Brain, the Heart is the bridge between the physical and the spiritual worlds, anchoring the higher spiritual self with the lower physical self. The 2nd Brain being the mind, and the 3rd Brain the Solar Plexus. The mind is the brain which analyzes and determines perceptions based on knowledge, experience, and the information received from the other two brains. The solar plexus brain is based on emotions, the willpower and the perceived need for power and control of the events and people surrounding you. Each one of these brains are dependent on each other, yet function in very different ways. This in itself could become a book, or the very least a subject for a future blog. Here I will only attempt to summarize the understanding of what this really means.

The heart brain is in charge of all you do. Based on its state of awakening, it will guide your actions in the direction of its state of awareness. If all it knows is how the mind and ego’s reaction to the experiences it has had, then one can be sure to be operating out of place of fear. The mind, and the ego based will, can be very deceiving.

If the heart brain chooses not to become aware and open to its true spiritual connection to the Higher-Self, and follow along for the emotional ride of the lower Chakras, then the potential to illness and a life of fear, scarcity, lack and unhappiness is its direction. Depending on which brain you choose to align yourself with to be the leader, this will become the life you will live out.

When not in alignment there are many ways in which the heart can affect your well being. Many have heard of people having a closed heart, being one who has chosen to shut out all sources of any type of love or nurturing in their world. These hearts are scared and wounded, unable to see safety in their surroundings, everything becomes fear based. This heart chooses to operate from the lower Chakras emotional mindset. Signs of a closed heart are the expression of betrayal, child abuse, excessive materialism, emotional abandonment, addiction and mental illness. This shows a definite early childhood program running creating the belief system in who you think you are.

Your heart and mind are in constant communication. If the heart is angry, resentful, or suspicious, so then will your mind. It is known that wherever the mind goes everything else will follow. The energy of the heart echos out affecting others, which in turn will come back to affect you, in all conditions.

You, and only you, are in charge of which mind you choose to use in the way in which you perceive and contribute to your world. How you are feeling in the moment will tell you which brain you are using. By accepting the programming from past experiences and your environment, you’ve chosen not to help in the healing to diminish the suffering and hurt of your world, but to continue the detrimental effects by adding to its condition. The Heart Chakra is a huge magnetic power field. The powerful and awakened state of the heart of its loving, giving energy, opening to compassion and forgiveness will open you to a world of true happiness.

Heart Chakra

The thymus gland located about two inches above the heart, is largely responsible for the balance of the body’s immune system. It produces a large number of the necessary specialized T-cell’s to fight off infection. When the heart Chakra is properly opened, allowing love and healing into its energy center, the thymus gland receives this green healing energy in a lower physical vibratory form. The thymus is then triggered to release the balance of T-cells and other secretions for a balanced endocrine system.

Stress is the thymus gland’s biggest enemy. With our fast-paced world, stress causes the gland to become unbalanced, which then leads to illness and disease. Reducing stress and opening the Heart Chakra with love benefits you in more ways than one.

Associated with this Chakra are divine and unconditional love, empathy, forgiveness, compassion, depression, emotional instability, group consciousness, balance, and contentment, which are the most important life lessons.

Practicing self-love or at least starting with self-acceptance is the only way to begin to heal a heart which has been wounded by so many things in this lifetime. Awakening the Heart Chakra with the connection you have with your Higher-Self. Your Higher-Self knows the true you. Begin to radiate love, gratitude and compassion from your true self. Be thankful of everything and everyone in your life, and remember forgiveness is the key to opening the doors to the long pent up Heart Chakra from the bondage it’s endured.


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